
After more than two decades of working with individuals, couples and adolescents I have a seasoned practice with a strong set of skills. I have worked successfully with individuals experiencing anxiety, depression, relationship ruptures, eating disorders, and difficulties with painful life transitions.

In sessions with my clients I create a safe haven through warmth and humor, underlined by practicality, collaboration and common sense. You will be heard, supported and safe from judgment as we work together to create change in your life.

I prefer to personalize treatments for each of my clients by integrating various psychological methods and techniques based on addressing individual or couple goals and building on existing strengths.

Additional training:

Contemplative practices, Jungian therapy, sand tray therapy, EMDR, mindfulness training, eating disorder methodologies and extensive couples training.


Bachelor of Journalism, University of Texas

Master of Marriage, Family and Child Counseling, Philips Graduate Institute, Encino, CA


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